Sunday, October 30, 2011

Packing insights

Sorting boxes into "take to samoa", "leave at Mums", "Give away, put on trade me" has been funny this weekend.  Realising all my rugs, thermal curtains, duvets, flanellete sheets.....the dryer, all those things you need in a cold place like NZ - will not be required in Samoa. 
But then what do I do with all the "Samoan" things I have?? All the tapa, baskets, kava bowl, and every other nick nack we got at our wedding.....kind of seems odd to take them back to Samoa??
Then what about all my Maori art....that also feels odd to package up for Samoa. I wonder if there are any Maori living in Samoa? Ive only met other Maori on holiday the times Ive been over. Im not sure if I want constant reminders of home while Im away, may make me more homesick.  Maybe those stay in storage for a little while....
I wonder if men or women are better packers? I take so long, get so use anyone trying to help me cos no one would understand the little piles everywhere. I actually "pack" the night before......but in the weeks leading up to it.....I "sort". So my house has all the packers boxes in the corner unopened, and tonnes of "piles" everywhere of things Im sorting!!
One more week till I move out of here and into Mums for the last few months so I had better sort out all my piles quickly!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds exciting! I have just come across your blog so I hope that you will continue with your posts once you get to Samoa. All the best for your move! I lived in Samoa for 11 years and am now back in NZ so will be very interested to read your blog to see what you make of it. Have a great New Year's too.
